Feeling sad? Depressed? Defeated? Slowly dying? Falling into the slipstream of fatalism, nihilism, and abject despair?
Punks, hipsters, normies alike have I got the cure for what ails you!
This summer of our lord, 2025, come one, come all to beautiful downtown Billings, Montana for a summer extravaganza without comparison. Yes, to quote the great Carel Struycken, it is happening again…
Julia-Louis Dreyfest will be taking place August 8th, 9th, and 10th at some of our favorite local fixtures–Craft Local (check), NOVA Center for the Performing Arts (check), MetraPark First Interstate Arena (...).
Will there be poetry delivered with vulnerable declarations of spirit and soul? Comedy with side-splitting throngs of laugh-starved crowds? Art that fuses high-brow aesthetics with the crusty visuals of deep-fried memes and a DIY ethos? Who knows! I don’t even know what I had for breakfast this morning, let alone the future!
What we do know is that in t-minus 151 days, mosh pits will be sweaty, guitar strings will break, crowds will be surfed, and memories added to the collective unconscious that fade but leave indelible marks on our good-for-nothing spirits.
“Ok, Waste Division team, that’s all fun and games but what am I supposed to do? I’m supposed to sit here for 151 days staring at my phone? What will distract me from the dystopian reality of a regressive about-face into the darkness of history, the new world order of technocracy and cynicism?”
Fear not, committed Dreyfest-heads and newcomers alike! Follow @julia.louis.dreyfest on Instagram for updates regarding schedules, interviews, and a drip feed of updates that’ll make Pavlovian dogs out of the lot of you!
And for our degenerate musicians, artists, comedians, and poets out there, make sure you submit, submit, submit! Not to any executive overlords but to the link below where we’ll be accepting submissions for music, art, comedy, and poetry. But don’t dilly-dally, submissions close at the end of this month! March 31st!! See you in the pit!
Photo by Donal Lakatua